Weatherite Air Conditioning

Our commitment to quality and to sustainability 15 Weatherite Air Conditioning’s reputation has been built on delivering the highest quality products at competitive prices, supported by excellent customer service. We recognise that customers need to be assured that they are dealing with highly responsible, professional and experienced people at all times. Our staff are fully trained to all industry- recognised standards, whilst continual, in- house, training programmes provide employees with personal development to keep them up to speed with any industrial, technological and legislative changes. Our investment in our people is mirrored by the investment we make in the plant and the processes we use - from our latest manufacturing facilities, inspection and testing capabilities to the sophisticated diagnostic equipment used by the engineers in the field. As you would expect, we are fully I S O 9001 accredited, which ensures we control and continually improve our key processes via this internationally recognised quality management standard. However, our commitment to quality doesn’t stop with the products we manufacture. We also pride ourselves on being an I S O 14001 accredited company. Energy saving and environmental issues are key elements driving the air movement industry today and Weatherite is committed to working towards a better environment for all. Weatherite’s continual commitment to developing the latest energy efficient, environmentally sensitive solutions has always been paramount in helping our customers reduce energy bills, whilst also minimising the impact on the environment. The Weatherite Group Our philosophy is simple - to continue to invest in the development of the products and services we offer our customers and to deliver excellence throughout the whole Weatherite Group. Our people are our greatest asset. They provide the skills, knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm to drive the Weatherite Group forward, within an ever-challenging world. We will continue to invest in their future personal development and their working environment. Weatherite Group: Weatherite Air Conditioning Weatherite Service & Maintenance Weatherite Aluminium Solutions Weatherite Electrical